Deus Ex Machina

Wherever You Understand It To Be

Personally, I think this photo looks best when I photoshop my own face up in the clouds, like I'm a god in the sky who has an important message.

I encourage you to use this as a template and put your own face in the photo.

What will your message be? To the people of earth?

Will it be that in order to GET VERY FAR IN ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS you need to very quickly find an anthropomorphic god that you can talk to in the clouds, and one who can also talk back?

(This is a very specific message, I know, and is clearly designed to make you read my article on religion and AA).


My partner, SETH, was kind enough to draw a traditional white male God for me, and put him up there in my clouds, and you can read who he based God's face off of HERE!